Bonsai richtig gießen Anleitung: 5 Expertentipps-Botanicly

Water bonsai correctly Instructions: 5 expert tips

Important care instructions for the bonsai

Nowadays many different types of bonsai are available, whether as indoor bonsai or outdoor bonsai. They all need different care, a different suitable location and different fertilizers. Watering a bonsai is not easy and can cause problems for many miniature tree owners. But with our instructions and expert tips, nothing can go wrong.

Tip 1: How often should you water bonsai?

Since the water consumption of your bonsai depends on the ambient temperature, the light and of course the size of the tree, there are no fixed rules for the frequency of watering the bonsai. It cannot be said that the bonsai needs water regularly once a day, 3 times a week or similar times.

How do you recognize the right time to water the bonsai? You can recognize the best time based on the substrate. You should water your bonsai tree when the soil in the bonsai pot is dry. You can tell by the bright earth.

The best time to water a bonsai is when the soil is so dry that gaps form between the soil and the pot. If the stems of the leaves become limp, this is also a sign to water the bonsai. If the soil is still damp, you don't have to water your bonsai for the time being.

Ein kräftiger, gesunder Bonsai

Tip 2: Water or submerge bonsai?

Unfortunately, it is still controversial which method is best for bonsai. However, we always recommend pouring from above.

Bonsai always water from above

The bonsai should always be watered from above until the entire soil is soaked. The irrigation water comes out of the drainage hole of the bonsai pot. However, pour away the excess water immediately so that your bonsai does not get wet "feet". If you do not water your bonsai properly, i.e. the soil is not completely wet, the deeper roots will not get water. If the deeper roots are deprived of water, branches and leaves can die.

The immersion method

With this method, you submerge the bonsai pot completely under water. However, only use this technique if you planted the bonsai in a compact, hard clay soil. This usually only applies to indoor bonsai, as they come from subtropical areas and the clay is a suitable substrate for this climate.

Wasser zum gießen des Bonsais

Tip 3: Water quality

The water for Bonsai should not be too calcareous. Too much lime in the irrigation water can lead to an imbalance in the nutrient uptake of your bonsai over the long term. The water in Berlin, for example, is very calcareous, so don't use tap water too often.

Tip: You can use still water from the supermarket or use a water softener or simply use rainwater to water bonsai.

Another thing to watch out for is the right temperature of the irrigation water. The water should be about the same temperature as the earth. If your bonsai absorbs water that is too cold or too warm, this can damage the tree.

Tip 4: Bonsai forgot to water?

If your bonsai suffers from a severe lack of water, it makes sense to spray it with water in addition to the normal bonsai watering. Some hairy roots may be damaged, making it difficult to absorb water from the soil. By showering the leaves, the tree gets a little more freshness. However, this method should only be used in an emergency, under normal conditions spraying the leaves is rather unsuitable.

Tip 5: Spray bonsai?

Regularly remove dust and dirt from the leaves.You can do this with a spray bottle, but don't use cold and hard water here. However, not spraying too often, if moisture remains on the leaves for too long, the small plant becomes susceptible to fungal diseases.

Den Bonsai mit Wasser besprühen

Would you like to learn more about bonsai? Then have a look at our articles about Bonsai care and Pruning bonsai.

In our shop you will find some beautiful bonsai species if you have always toyed with the idea of ​​getting one.



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